Managing sites

Table of contents
  1. Managing sites
    1. Delete a site
      1. From the site list
      2. From the site edit page

Delete a site

The sites can be deleted only if you have edit rights to it. This is happening if you directly contributed to it, or the site is added to a map where you are a leader or owner.

From the site list

If you want to delete a site, you first need to find it under the manage section.

You can do this by browsing the Manage > Sites section or by browsing the map sites under Manage > Maps.

After you find the Site, you can check the context menu associated to it:

the site context menu

If you select Delete a message box will be prompted to confirm the deletion of the site.

From the site edit page

On the site edit page, in the side panel, you can find a delete site button.

If you press Delete a message box will be prompted to confirm the deletion of the site.

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