Managing newsletters

Available with a subscription

If you have access to the newsletter feature, you can send periodic messages that share news, updates, and information on a specific topic or interest with your subscribers. If you want this feature to be enabled for your team, please contact us.

Table of contents
  1. Managing newsletters
    1. Adding a newsletter
    2. The newsletter dashboard
    3. Editing a newsletter
    4. Editing the newsletter welcome message
    5. Deleting a newsletter
    6. Importing emails
      1. Importing emails from a file
        1. a .txt file with each email address listed on a separate line
        2. a .txt file with each email address is separated by a comma
        3. a .txt file with each email address is separated by a space
        4. a .csv file containg user information including the email address
      2. Importing emails by copy/paste or by typing
        1. each email address listed on a separate line
        2. each email address is separated by a comma
        3. each email address is separated by a space
    7. Exporting emails
    8. Creating a message
    9. Testing a message
    10. Sending a message
    11. Deleting a message

Adding a newsletter

To create a new newsletter, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “+” button from the top menu and select Newsletter.
  2. Fill in the name, a short description, and select the team that owns the Newsletter.
  3. Press the Add button to create the new map an get redirected to the edit page.

After creating a newsletter, you’re redirected to its dashboard page.

The newsletter dashboard

Newsletters have their own dashboard because of the extra features they offer. To get to a newsletter’s dashboard:

  1. Head to your team dashboard.
  2. Find the newsletter card you want.
  3. Click on the newsletter header.

Once you’ve done that, you’ll see something like this:

the newsletter dashboard

Editing a newsletter

You can edit a newsletter by pressing the edit button from the newsletter dashboard:

the newsletter edit button

You can also edit a newsletter from the team dashboard by selecting the edit option on its card.

the newsletter card

These options are available only if you have rights to edit the newsletter.

The Edit page has two sections:

  • the main edit section, where you edit the name and the description of your newsletter:

the newsletter content

  • the sidebar which allows you to edit the metadata of the newsletter:

the newsletter sidebar

To help you to better understand what each field does, here is a list with explanations:

  • name is the name of your newsletter.
  • description is a short text that should explain the purpose of the newsletter
  • is public determines who can subscribe to the newsletter:
    • to a public newsletter can subscribe anyone
    • to a private newsletter, only team members can join or add other subscribers
  • original author shows who created the newsletter. The user shown on this field can edit the newsletter if they are a member or a leader.

Editing the newsletter welcome message

Each newsletter comes with a welcome message that gets sent to all new subscribers who sign up through the newsletter section on a website using our platform. However, this message won’t be sent to emails added via the import option in the newsletter dashboard.

To edit this message, you need to:

  1. Navigate to the newsletter dashboard
  2. Press the edit welcome message button from the newsletter toolbar header:
    the newsletter card
  3. You will be redirected to the edit welcome message page of the selected newsletter.

To help you to better understand what each field does, here is a list with explanations:

  • title and article are the main parts of the email that gets sent out. Feel free to tweak it however you like to include all the info new subscribers need to know.
  • subject is the email’s subject line. If you leave it blank, we’ll use a default one. Feel free to change it if you want to!

Deleting a newsletter

An event can be deleted only if you have edit rights to it. This means that you created it, or the event belongs to a team in which you are an owner. To delete a newsletter:

  1. Navigate to your team dashboard.
  2. Press the three dots button on an newsletter card to open the context menu: the newsletter card
  3. Press the delete button.
  4. You will be prompted to confirm the action: the delete newsletter confirmation
  5. If you press Yes, the newsletter will be deleted.

Note that if you delete a newsletter, you won’t be able to recover it later.

Importing emails

Usually, when you create a new newsletter, you’ll already have a list of subscribers. There are a couple of options to import it.

First, you need to navigate to your newsletter dashboard, and press the import button from the newsletter toolbar:
the import button

Here you have two options: to import a file, or to paste or type a list of emails:

the newsletter import options

Importing emails from a file

This option is great for when you’ve got a lot of email addresses to import. The platform can handle different file formats and will pick out just the email addresses, even if there’s other info in the file.

Here are some examples of what your imported file might look like:

a .txt file with each email address listed on a separate line
a .txt file with each email address is separated by a comma,,,,,,,,,
a .txt file with each email address is separated by a space
a .csv file containg user information including the email address
First NameLast NameEmail AddressPhone NumberDate of Birth

when a .csv file contains more than emails, the platform will only import the email address and ignore the other information.

If a .csv file contains more than one email on a row, both emails will be imported as separate entries

To import the file you need to:

  1. Select the upload a file option:
    the newsletter import file option
  2. Select a file by pressing the file selector
    the newsletter select file
  3. Optionaly, you can click the replace existing emails to replace the existing emails with the ones from the new file:
    the newsletter replace option
  4. Press the Import button
  5. You’ll be taken to the newsletter dashboard, where you can check out the updated subscribers stats, now including the emails from your imported file.

Importing emails by copy/paste or by typing

This option is perfect for quickly adding a short list of emails—or even just one. It’s super easy, and you don’t need to stress about how you format it. You can separate emails with new lines, spaces, commas, or semicolons. Any words that aren’t recognized as email addresses will just be ignored.

Here are some examples of what your imported file might look like:

each email address listed on a separate line
each email address is separated by a comma,,,,,,,,,
each email address is separated by a space

To import the emails this way you need to:

  1. Select the copy and paste option:
    the newsletter copy paste option
  2. Paste the email list in the text area:
    the newsletter copy paste text area
    Check out the label below the text area—it shows you how many emails are going to be imported.
  3. Optionaly, you can click the replace existing emails to replace the existing emails with the ones from the new file:
    the newsletter replace option
  4. Press the Import button
  5. You’ll be taken to the newsletter dashboard, where you can check out the updated subscribers stats, now including the emails from your imported file.

Exporting emails

If you want to check out your email list and see some stats, just download the CSV file. It has all the emails subscribed to your newsletter along with some stats. Here’s what the file looks like:

Email AddressDate AddedRead MessagesLinks Opened

To download the .csv file, you need to:

  1. Navigate to your newsletter dashboard page
  2. Press the download button from the newsletter toolbar:
    the newsletter replace option


You can download the .csv file and edit it with your favorite spreadsheet application for a familiar editing experience. After making your changes—whether adding or removing emails—import the file again using the replace existing emails option to update your list efficiently.

Creating a message

To craft a new message for your subscribers, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Navigate to the newsletter dashboard
  2. Click on the “new message” button:
    the new message button
  3. On the new message page, fill in the:
    • Message: Here’s the email content that’ll be sent out.
    • Subject: Here’s the subject line that’ll be sent out.
    • Release date: Here’s the date when the message will go out. It’ll only be sent if it’s set to be public at that time.
  4. Press the “Add” button.

Testing a message

After crafting your message, the next step is to test it by sending it to the email inbox linked to your account:

  1. Navigate to the newsletter dashboard
  2. Identify the record that you want to delete and press the three dots button:
    the message three dots
  3. Press the Send test email option
  4. Wait for the message in your inbox. Here is an example on how it might look like:
    the message three dots


Testing messages helps you catch mistakes. Plus, reviewing emails in your inbox shows you exactly what your recipients will see, making it easier to figure out what to adjust for clearer communication. It’s like trying on clothes before a big night out—better to spot the wardrobe malfunction now than have everyone see it later!

The email you got has 4 parts. Here’s a quick guide on how to tweak them:

1. The team logo
can be changed by editing your team. See more details here
2. The message
is defined in the Creating a message step in this document
3. The newsletter information
section tells recipients why they received the email and how they can unsubscribe if they wish. This part can’t be customized and is included to prevent the email service from marking your message as spam.
4. The platform information
shows where the message was sent from. This part can’t be customized.


If you click the Unsubscribe from this email list link and end up on a 404 page, it means the newsletter is currently private. The unsubscribe page will be available once the newsletter is published.

If you’re interested in a custom template or want extra features for your newsletter, just reach out to us! Our design and development team is here to help with tailored solutions.

Sending a message

First, make sure your message is ready to go. To do this, publish the message and set the delivery date:

  1. Navigate to the newsletter dashboard
  2. Find the record you want to send, then click on its title or the edit button:
    the message three dots
  3. On the right side of the page, make sure to set the message to public by turning on the toggle:
    the message three dots
  4. Find the release date section and press the pencil icon to set a value: the message three dots
  5. Choose a new date, hour, and minute for when you want the message to be delivered and press save.

When you’re ready to send your message, you have two options. First, you can schedule it to be sent on a specified date:

  1. Navigate to the newsletter dashboard
  2. Find the record you want to send, then click on the three dots button:
    the message three dots
  3. Select the Send to all recipients option and you’ll get a pop-up asking you to confirm the action:
    the send message confirmation
  4. If you press Yes, the message will be sent to everyone in your list.

The second option is to send the message right away. To do this, just follow these extra steps:

  1. Click again on the three dots button and observe the new options:
    the message three dots
  2. Select the Publish now option and wait for the message to be delivered.

If you’ve got a big email list, it might take a few minutes to send the message to everyone. Just kick back and relax—after all, good things come to those who wait, just like that pizza delivery you’ve been craving!

Deleting a message

Deleting a message is pretty straightforward, just like deleting any other record on our platform:

  1. Navigate to the newsletter dashboard
  2. Identify the record that you want to delete and press the three dots button:
    the message three dots
  3. Choose the delete option, and you’ll get a pop-up asking you to confirm the action:
    the delete message confirmation
  4. If you press Yes, the message will be deleted.

Note that if you delete a message, you won’t be able to recover it later.

If you delete a message while it’s being sent to a bunch of people, there’s a good chance it’ll still get delivered to them.

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